We are happy to see the recommendation of Anne McKinstary to the Willow Court Conservation Special Committee. We hope that the Derwent Valley Councillors pass this recommendation.
That Council ratify the following as members on the Willow Court Conservation
Special Committee:
1. The Hon. David Llewellyn AM (Chairperson)
2. Mr. Martyn Evans (Mayor Derwent Valley Council)
3. Mr. Barry Lathey (Deputy Mayor Derwent Valley Council ) Proxy
4. Dr. Dianne Snowden Proxy
5. Mrs. Michele Moseley (Deputy Secretary Department Primary Industries, Parks and Environment).
6. Mr. Paul Lan Architect
7. Mr. Tony Wright (Deputy Director Inland Fisheries)
8. Dr. Jane Harrington (Port Arthur Authority)
9. Ms. Anne McKinstray Friends of Willow Court Special Committee (Comunity Representative)
10. Mr. Richard Onn Friends of Frescati Special Committee (Community Representative Proxy)
Ref: http://www.derwentvalley.tas.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/16%20August%202012%20Agenda.pdf
As council is aware the Malcolm MacDonald Report suggested setting up a new committee which would oversee the Business and Development Plan. This new entity
would have experts in the following fields, ie. Engineering Heritage and Grant writing and would be chaired by an independent person.
Some members were in place early, these being the independent chairperson the Hon David Llewellyn who brought on board Mr. Paul Lan an Architect and Mrs Michele
Moseley Deputy Secretary Department of Primary Industries, Parks and Environment and Dr. Dianne Snowden as a proxy and Council appointed the Mayor Martyn Evans
with the Deputy Mayor Barry Lathey as proxy. The Chairperson has been continuing to recruit expert committee members to the committee and consulted with the CEO of
the Port Arthur Authority in an attempt to gain his support for a member of the Authority to join the Committee. They have now allowed Dr Jane Harrington and she
has agreed to be a member. The Chairperson also pursed several persons with financial and entrepreneurial skills and has been successful in convincing the Deputy
Director of Inland Fisheries Mr. Tony Wright to become a member.
The committee had previously agreed to appoint one person from either the Friends of Frescati or Friends of Willow Court to be the community representative and at the
committee meeting on the 9th.August 2012 a nomination from the Friends of Willow Court Ms. Anne McKinstray was appointed with the nomination from the
Friends of Frescati Mr. Richard Onn being appointed proxy.
Mark Krause