Dr Caroline Evans, from Australian Catholic University and Sarah Green, from the University of Melbourne, both working on the Find and Connect web resource www.findandconnect.gov.au, toured through the Willow Court Complex with Conservation Committee Member Anne McKinstray today. The Find and Connect web resource is for people who were raised in children’s institutions, which includes Willow Court, even though it was mostly for adults. The web resource has information on it that may help people reconnect with their families. It also provides histories and photos of children’s institutions and information about historical records related to them. The tour assists in understanding the context of the type of institutionalisation that took place. Audio is HERE
1 Comment
I had never heard of find and connect until recently, but can appreciate the need and value of the work the organisation does for people who were disconnected from family and friends through institutionalisation. I look forward to listening to the audio of the visit.