The clean up of the rear Carlton Ward (Willow Court) Courtyard is nearing completion thanks to the Friends of Willow Court working bees. They have been able to reveal some garden beds after much weed and blackberry removal . These beds may have been used for Occupational Therapy for the people in Carlton (C) Ward (House). With just a few more bits of graffiti to be removed, the walled and gated area will now be a usable public space and fits into the T.R.A.C.E.S plan for activating the spaces on the site for public use.

Thanks to the GREAT volunteers for giving up two weekends to help clean up and find these garden beds. Helpers to continue activating our heritage spaces are always welcome and can contact the Friends of Willow Court to join in on the next Community Based Project.

The T.R.A.C.E.S Plan is as follows;
TRAILS and Tours.
Develop guided tours with Friends of Willow Court.
Engage with tourism operators to develop and promote.
Develop walking and driving routes.
**Clean up the courtyards.**
Staged repairs of buildings.
Develop training programs for young people interested in repairing historical buildings.
Continue open days and events
Setup venue hire rates and rules.
Install internal gates to improve access.
CURATORS and Custodians
Engage with the community to collect stories.
Gather community history through schools and universities.
Align exhibitions with events in the Derwent Valley and Tasmanian arts and events calendar.
Develop a community garden project.
Establish a community kitchen.
Facilitate continuing relationships with DV Community House and Agrarian Kitchen.
Develop a signage strategy to contribute to the interpretation of New Norfolk and its history.
Promote signage for sites as landmarks within the town and the Valley.
Tree planting strategy to spatial links between Willow Court sites particularly High Street and The Avenue.