We know that Willow Court Barracks was used as the General Hospital in the Derwent Valley until 1848 and after that it was one of Tasmania’s Asylum. So what was the mix of patient like and what would be their cause for admission? Below is a record gathered by Professor of History, Hamish Maxwell-Stewart, which gives us a clear idea of the admission causes for the Patients in 1841-2. During this time the Hospital was known as the Her Majesty’s Lunatic Asylum, New Norfolk.
This was is a snapshot of the work that is being done to understand the Convict’s plight here in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania), compared to those that were taken to other places around the world. The records have allowed for a significant study into the death and disease rate of Convicts which included Her Majesty’s Lunatic Asylum, New Norfolk. By 1848 the Hospital was only to admit “Insane Patients” according to an instruction in April by Sir William Thomas Denison KCB, Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen’s Land who was Governor between 1847-55 in a bid to reduce the overcrowding issues that had been reported.

To do this during this time, a number of (well) Patients were ordered to leave Her Majesty’s Lunatic Asylum, New Norfolk and go to the Probation Station at Impression Bay, while most reluctantly went, 27 refused to go, further discussions reduced that number to 14 dissenters. The Police Magistrate was called upon to remove the remaining well patients by the end of April 1848. It was reported to the Chief Police Magistrate that “it was not necessary to resort to coercive measures” and this then assisted to resolve the overcrowding issues for some time to come.
Interesting article. I had a relative who was sent there in 1848.
Should the year in the third from bottom line be 1848 or 1948 as stated?
Agree, thanks
I am looking for information abt my aunt Audrey Lawler who was admitted to the assylum in 1922 when she was 2
She was there till it closed in 2000
Are their records and photos I can access for information abt her
Thank you
Betty Brady
I have replied on Facebook