Not long after an Inmate riot in 1845 a number of advertisments were to be found requesting for new staff for the Hospital at New Norfolk.
‘WANTED, Two strong steady Females, as WARDSWOMEN at New Norfolk Asylum; they are required to be free women and good characters.’ (The Courier 1 April 1845)
‘Wanted an active young man of steady habits, as Under Keeper at H. M. Lunatic Asylum, New Norfolk. Wages 1s. 6d. per day, and a Ration. He must have come free to the Colony. Also two respectable young women as Nurses. Wages 1s per day, and a Ration. Reference will be required. Application lo be made at H. M. Colonial Hospital, New Norfolk.’ (The Cornwall Chronicle 27 September 1845)
Life seemed so much more simple according to the “Consolidates Instructions for Staff at Royal Derwent” for a Ward Aide 1968-90.

The role of a Support Professional has and will continue to evolve into the future. For Support workers today this would be an interesting comparison to a current position description. The modern role asks for a high level of flexibility, mobility and now days a level contractual independence from the support organisation.