I believe that I have brought to the public ‘s attention a range of positive stories, even though some had to have interesting angle in their approach to see the positive side of the restoration of Willow Court, both building and people history. As someone who believes in positive behavioural re-enforcement, I have to look hard at the issues to write news stories around events and happening. The last few stories have lost that positive edge, not all things can be looked at when they simply don’t have a positive edge.
This week I have had to read false allegation against me by a paranormal enthusiast. After this person resigned from the Willow Court Committee we have had nothing but smear and incitement to create a toxic culture at New Norfolk and on social media. We have tried to rise above answering these group members, when they cut and paste comments and put their own swing on them.
As a volunteer who has offered every hour of work free and supported a wonderful team of Derwent Valley residents achieve and bring Willow Court sensitively to the public over the last twelve months these attack are wearing.
This was removed after I stated on this site that I will hand this allegation to my legal advocate on Monday.

Aiden Sullivan
Unfortantly the Documentary has been unlawfully leaked into the wrong hands, That being the Willow court committee which was behind the ABC news report on us last night.
This is just an example of what length some members of the Willow court committee will go to. I believe that they started out with the good of willow court in there mind, but now it is clear that their agenda towards my team have out shadowed whats good for the site.
The only copy’s of the Documentary that have been pubically released have been handed to each councillor of the Derwent Valley Council.
These people feel like they have more of a right than you to view this Documentary and will go to any length to stop it, Which now includes illegal activity.
Nicole N Nick Jarvis Interesting comment, if mark can get his hands on a copy it’s a wonder the Disability specialists have not also seen it. I’m a bit bemused why he and the committee would be bitter that we left, we must have meant more to them than we think or they lost some sort of control when we left.
Mark you are a bit hypocritical you didn’t have a problem showing the same archive footage at previous open days did you? But because it doesn’t fit your purpose or its not in one of your own films you chose to attack us for something you also endorsed.
The footage shown at Open days has all the people removed! Mark
Aiden Sullivan 100% agree Nick, this archive footage is know open to the public
Dave Condon It’s always a different story when it’s someone else and not them.
It’s funny how quick they are to point the finger at APIU and their documentary, but similar footage has been used before by Mark.
One word sums them up “Hypocrites”
Ben Crothers I don’t think that’s exactly fair, because it is not about the using the footage, it’s about what it is used for.
Nicole N Nick Jarvis That’s not really how its been explained to us Ben and even the article talks about showing patients which would be referring to footage. As for the paranormal investigation footage, it’s basically us talking to thin air in a sense, no patients in that section.
Carlene Ellis have u composed a statement yet?
Nicole N Nick Jarvis No not yet Carlene Ellis