Anne McKinstray Audio Tour.


029This is an audio tour through  Glenora, Esperance and Derwent Wards around the oval precinct with Anne McKinstray who worked at Willow Court for 9 years and who talks about the working conditions, people and the community. It has been broken into small sections each under the individual title, it is interesting, amusing, sad and powerful. Anne now serves on the Conservation Special Committee chaired by David Llewellyn, they are charged with the responsibility of restoring the site. She also worked at Kew in Victoria and is able to offer a comparison. Also with Anne are Mark Krause TasTAFE, Dr. Caroline Evans and Sarah Green Find and Connect.
Introduction and opening the gates. This was the last tour before to sight closed for pubic access.


Click to read a transcript of the Anne McKinstray Audio Tour PDF

*NEW* all these podcasts have been transcribed by request for the hearing impaired. I wish to thank  Michelle Eastwood who volunteered her time and talents in such a professional manner. The speed, accuracy and your understanding has been fantastic. Thank you.

You can contact Michelle at

Audio Player

Entering Glenora Ward and Meal Times

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Bath time

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Day rooms and small statue

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Boat person and the state of how it is

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Holidays and an old man’s story

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Personal spending money

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New Norfolk Group Homes

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Carpet City

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Restrains and conditioning

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Esperance Ward

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Straw and pillows

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Bread with extras

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Walk to the Barracks

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Oval section
Oval section