Last week I had the opportunity to speak with some of the Friends of Frascati House (FoFH) as they inspected the new layout and progress of the Reflective Garden, sited between the rear of the Frascati House (1834) and The Avenue.
Over the past 2-3 years the “Flourish Mental Health Action in Our Hands” self advocacy group have been in discussions with the Derwent Valley Council and the Friends of Frascati House to see if it is possible to also contribute a plaque for the Gardens.
I have been involved in this committee for over twelve months and while there has been some progression, little physical evidence has happened. Last week I was able to have a discussion with Councillor Bester and Mr Greg Winton, General Manager along with three members of the Frascati House Committee who agreed to further discussions with Flourish.
It would appear that the wording of the proposed plaque that the FoFH have submitted to Council and the wording on the plaque that Flourish self advocacy group have proposed are almost identical.
I am currently waiting for Jess Dallas who is the Council’s Project Manager to contact me back with the wording*. If both groups can agree, there is an opportunity for a plaque to be installed to remember past residents, staff and community members that were involved in the Hospital’s 174 years of operation.
Frascati House Committee and the Derwent Valley Council have also considered some proposed insensitive activities in the old home but it is nice to see that there is an opportunity to have some respectful and sensitive activity on the site.
*p.s. Jess Dallas had sent the wording but due to a communication issue I only received it yesterday. Thanks Jess.