Books donated to Willow Court

Russell 001Friends Of Willow Court Chairwoman, Anne Salt yesterday received four books from Russell Penman the Ex CEO and Director of Nursing of the Willow Court Centre 1990-96. The books dated back to when the institutions was called “Mental Diseases Hospital, New Norfolk” and date from 1921. These (some extremely) rare publications with inscriptions from Lachlan Park and Mental Diseases Hospital, New Norfolk will now be place in the archive of documents and artifacts which are managed by the Derwent Valley Council and is currently under the supervision of Associate Professor Heather Burke at Flinders University in South Australia.

A volunteer at Red Cross who knew current CEO of Red Cross, Mr Penman and his work history and ongoing interest in the site brought the donated books to his attention. He then contacted us through the Willow Court History Group to have them placed into the archive collection.

The books are:

Elementary Hygiene for nurses 10th edition published in 1953 and with the name Helen Rainbird 1963 written in the front cover. It is stamped “Medical Library Lachlan Park Hospital”
Lectures for Nurses 4th edition 1944 with the name of a nurse in the front that I can’t make out – along with Lachlan Park Hospital
Medicine for Moderns published in 1953. It also appears to have been in the medical library
Lectures for Attendants and Nurses – Mental Diseases Hospital, New Norfolk printed by the government printer and dated 1921. On the plain red front cover is written “to be returned to the Chief Attendant”


The Willow Court History Group are urging anyone who has artifacts, photos or documents that they wish to return, either on loan or as a permanent gift to please contact a member of the Friends of Willow Court so these precious items can be kept in public ownership for everyone’s benefit.


Please use the CONTACT PAGE if you need to contact someone.

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AGM of the Friends of Willow Court meeting


Last Wednesday I attended the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Friends of Willow Court (FoWC) held at the Derwent Valley Community House. The meeting went normally with elections of the Committee and reports given by office bearers. The Chairwoman read her report, please see below:

Friends of Willow Court
Chairpersons Report
7 October 2015

page 1It is with pleasure that I present this, the third report for the Friends of Willow Court special committee of the Derwent Valley Council. This past year started with much enthusiasm for the Friends of Willow Court, with the imminent completion of the Barracks & Bronte restoration, and the proposed open weekend to showcase the restoration to the community. Advice from the Conservation Committee was that the opening would consist of static displays of information, and as a result the FoWC committee started to collate information on WC for display. The potential date for the opening in December came and went, and disappointingly the Friends of Willow Court understand there is now no plan for an opening at this stage.

In anticipation of having the site open in the first half of this year, the committee continued to focus on developing an understanding of how to provide professional, respectful and informative tours and experiences based on thematic interpretation. The committee liaised with staff at Port Arthur and the Cascade Women’s Prison, and visited both sites to meet with staff who provided a wealth of information on how to develop thematic tours. The connection with both sites was invaluable, and provides an opportunity for sharing of resources when tours of Willow Court operate. 

Other activities undertaken by the committee over the last 12 months include the following:

• Hosting a BBQ for Associate Professor Heather Burke and her ten archaeology students, who were all impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication of the FoWC, and the various historical records on Willow Court collected by members of the committee

• Lodgement of a submission to the Legislative Council Built Heritage Inquiry committee 

• Escorting the Built Heritage committee on a site tour of Willow Court

• Participation in the National Trust Heritage Festival in May with a display to depict Willow Court’s links to Australia’s world conflicts, and a play set in the grounds of Frascati House. The highlight of this event was the attendance by the Governor of Tasmania at the opening night, to launch the event.

• Responding to a request from the Derwent Valley Tidy Towns committee to help with removal of graffiti from the Willow Court perimeter wall. The outcome of this request is that both committees will work with the Centre for Heritage in Oatlands on restoration of the wall over the coming months, and the committee has suggested New Norfolk high school students also participate in the project.

• Participating in two strategic planning sessions facilitated by FoWC member Bec Tudor. The outcome of these sessions is a work in progress that will be completed over the coming months.

• Successful applications for DVC Community Grants

• Successful applications for DVC the Capital Works budget 

During the year the committee has made requests of Council to visit Willow Court to view the restoration, but these requests have been denied due to Willow Court being a construction site. However, limited access was permitted to escort the Built Heritage committee on a familiarisation tour of the site, and for two limited tours by one committee member for people with a potential interest in projects at Willow Court. We are also aware that various site visits have been undertaken by Councillors, and state and Federal Ministers and MP’s. 

It is very disappointing for this committee that has volunteered for years to provide input into projects such as the Malcolm McDonald report, host events, conduct working bees and tours of Willow Court, to be denied access for a site visit to see the restoration. We do hope however this situation can be rectified by the council in the very near future. 

In March the committee was advised that it was the intention of the council to seek international expressions of interest in Willow Court, a process that could take up to twelve months, and that we could lodge a submission for a 12 month calendar of events. What was not communicated to us at that time was that apparently all Friends of Willow Court access to Willow Court will only be through submitting a proposal. Again this is a very disappointing situation, which leaves the committee feeling disenfranchised and disillusioned.

While it is understood that it will take some time for new councillors to develop an understanding of the heritage value of Willow Court and the significant role this committee and others have played in the preservation and reuse of the site, to hear a councillor at a council meeting when voting on the proposal to move the Community House into Bronte state about Willow Court that ‘there is nothing to see there’ and ‘No-one wants it,’ leaves us and other stakeholders further disheartened. In fact the comment of one prominent Tasmanian historian with a significant interest in Willow Court was ‘I am broken hearted over what is happening at Willow Court’. A sentiment that is echoed amongst Friends of Willow Court members.

To those long term committee members who are stepping down this year for various reasons, I would like to thank you for your vision for Willow Court, your dedication and determination to give your time and skills to the work of Friends of Willow Court for the benefit of preserving this important historic site that has been so neglected and vandalised, your efforts are much appreciated. 

In closing I would like to take this opportunity to thank all committee members for their enthusiasm, contribution, hard work and good company over the past year. Thank you also to Councilor Pearce for supporting the committee and providing a conduit for communication with the council, and to the DVC for the opportunity to apply for Community Grants to support our projects. While we are a small committee we can again be proud of what we have achieved for Willow Court.

Thank you
Anne Salt

UntitledThe guest speaker was the Mayor, Martyn Evan who stated the he liked to attend all the AGM’s for all DVC Committee’s. He gave an update of the progress of the conservation work, partnerships with Flinders University and explained where the “Expression of Interest” process was up to for the lease/sale of Willow Court Heritage Precinct. He was also generous in staying on to answer questions from members of the Friends of Willow Court Committee and members of the public who had an interest is seeing the site open and respectfully portrayed.

Some of those questions were:

Is there a time for an opening or handing over of the keys to the DVC? Answer “as soon as humanly possible” he also explained that there would not be an “opening” as the Council didn’t want to have an opening, only to close the site the next day. The concept would be more an events venue. He wished to stay away from the idea of an opening, as this would draw criticism when it closed the next day.

One question was raised about the relationship between the Friends of Willow Court Special Committee and the DVC and why the DVC own Committee was not informed of decisions relating to Willow Court and that the Committee was required to submit plan to access the site that same an other businesses wanting to have access to the site. It was commented about this situation that the Committee was set up by the DVC for the purposes of supporting the DVC however this had been frustrated by the many negative attitudes and private agendas that Councillors had and “Special relationships some members of the DVC had with “interested parties.

The Mayor was challenged because of his personal support of the site becoming a paranormal hot spot by personally declaring the site the “second most haunted site in Tasmania”, this was done without any supporting evidence.

There was also a question about a sympathetic guide that would be used for the Lease or Sale Expressions of Interest process. We were told that there currently isn’t a guide.


Some committee members chose not to stand this year and have sited their frustration at not being able to progress any plans at the site and disheartened because the of the restricted access for the Council’s very own Committee.

There was also a commitment from the Mayor to hear the DVC’s own Committee at a future workshop.



Please be aware that this is not a Friends of Willow Court Website or Blog.



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Willow Court; Museums times three??


The Mayor and or the Derwent Valley Council has approved or given approval for three museums in the last 4 years at Willow Court, two are in the Council’s owned areas, The Barracks and Frascati House and the latest endorsement is in print on the front page article of the Derwent Valley Gazette.

In this article Hadyn and Penny Pearce, Antique Dealers and Collectors originally from Sydney are purposing to install a museum of Willow Court artifacts in their privately owned area of Willow Court after the donation of two fire helmets recently sold at auction.

This will mean that there will be three museums within a 200 metre area all dealing with the same history and all trying to tell the same stories if all go ahead.

It is a concern that this can happen, but it’s has been a measure of the Council’s recent ability to plan or follow their own plans in this area. The Mayor appears to be approving of all ideas, even if they are the same, and yet the Derwent Valley Council still has plans to sell or lease the site before the next Council elections!

While Hadyn and Penny are calling for donations for their new private venture their policy around ownership of donated items is not clear yet, but there is a clear policy and procedure in place from the Willow Court Conservation Special Committee, who put into place a “complex collection and de-accessioning policy” back in 2013. The existing collections has been extensively researched and modified to note all assets within the currently expanding collection by the PhD students supported and directed by Associate Professor Heather Burke at the Flinders University while on field evaluation.

If you are considering any loan or donation of goods be assured that this system is working and recording these valuable items so they can stay in the collection for the Community’s benefit. Please contact any member of the Friends of Willow Court or private email me and I will put you in contact with a committee member.



“Derwent Valley Council Mayor Martyn Evans said he liked the idea of a museum.” Reported in the Derwent Valley Gazette September 2015

Restoration of Frascati House, with inclusion of a high quality conferencing facility, museum including nursing memorabilia…” June 2015 Derwent Valley Council.

“A complete makeover of the “Willow Court brand” be undertaken so that ALL dimensions are featured, including the treatment and history of mental illness Malcolm MacDonald & Associates 2011 a Report commissioned by the Derwent Valley Council.


Policy and documents

Updated artifacts catalogue

Donation of artifacts


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Friends of Willow Court AGM

The Friends of Willow Committee invite interested people to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Derwent Valley Council’s Friends of Willow Court Special Committee to be held on Wednesday 7th October 2015, 7pm at the Derwent Valley Community House, The Avenue, New Norfolk. Please come and hear the latest from this committee and the Derwent Valley Council about what the plans for future use for the site are. If there has been a time when Willow Court needs friends, it is now. There is a wonderful and talented group of local individuals that have been on this committee for the past three years and longer for some that have trained themselves professionally to manage such a historic tourist site at Willow Court. They have arranged and participated in workshops and behind the scenes tours with some of Tasmania’s leading tourist attractions managing Port Arthur and the Cascades Female Factory, they have trained with leading tourist industry trainers in Thematic Interpretation and Influencing Ethical Decision Making. Over the last year while the site has been closed they have also made a professional Strategic plan, met with the Legislative Council Committee on Tasmania’s Built Heritage and engaged with The Federal Government around listing the site for World Heritage.

While at times this was overwhelming for the small number of people on the committee we did accomplish much and have clear plans for the future.

Does this sound like something you wish to be involved with?


Pictured here with the Legislative Council’s Build Heritage Committee is (right) Anne Salt, (middle) Vivienne de Bressac and (left) Sharon Hutchison.

Other Committee members are Tony Nicholson, Nadia Lobb, Denise Rushworth, Emily Bullock,  Rodney Quarrell, Graham McLean, Lin Hopkins, Rebecca Tudor, Mark Krause and Anne McKinstray.

There have been many other people who have willingly given their valuable time over these past years. Also we can’t forget Cr. Frank Pearce.

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1863 Drawings

MR1-1760 lunatic Asylum New Norfolk Tasmania 1863sml copy1863 Drawing of the Barracks, Willow Court. (c) Copyright 2015

This map was held at the National Archives in the United Kingdom and was sent to us by one of Associate Professor Burke’s PhD Students who recently spent a couple of days searching for Willow Court documentation. It is a rare image that shows the male and female divisions and where the foundations would be for any future dig site. The original Matron’s Quarters appears to be located near to, or over the currently privately owned Morgue and Antiques store. The foundations to the Gentleman’s cottage (top left) are still visible in the C Ward yard. You can click on the image to make it larger.


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Opening soon?

Well it’s hard to say, but the site is again taking on a Spring look, with green grass and lots of newly installed landscaping. The temporary fences at the very front have been removed and the ramps appear to be complete and a small area at the front gates has been created for people wishing to take photos (pictured below).

Sources for the Derwent Valley Council have reported that there will be an opening celebration followed by a closing of the gates (no date announced yet). The Community House is due to move into the Bronte Ward for the next nine years and the site remains on the market, either for lease or sale.

The Friends of Willow Court are seeking a meeting with the General Manager of the DVC to attempt to find out what their role will be as a committee of the DVC and where they fit into this DVC owned site and gain an understanding of the plans the Council have for the time in between the opening and the sale or lease.

The condition at the last tour of the remaining building is of concern, in Carlton House (C Ward) the unbreakable windows all have been smashed with what would appear to be a hammer or similar. We are hoping that the installed security will soon bring the vandals to justice.

IMAG0124 IMAG0125 IMAG0126 IMAG0129

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Social Trainers code of ethics

Well here is a blast from the past. While Willow Court was still operating a new industry was emerging and it was the community integration model. Many people did, what was then known as a Social Trainer course at TAFE. This consisted of two years of full time study within the disability support field with particular attention to the Community Integration Program (CLP) which was the social model. Out of this come the Social Trainers Association. This group of people started a community of practicing professionals and like other groups, looked towards continuous improvement along with education. They also come up with a code of ethics by which any professional Social Trainer would abide. Here is a copy of that, now historic document, for some this will bring back memories and for others it’s a bit of history of how we got to where we are today.

Social Trainers

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Landmark Willow Court Report supplied to Friends of Willow Court

WC Report PC


This new report was given to members of the Friends of Willow Court during an oral history gathering session.

The ex-staff member offered the report so it could be digitised and used for future education.

The Report refers to new ideas and experiments that were allowed by Senior Staff to have a better service for people who lived at Willow Court (Lachlan Park Hospital). The exact date of this report is unclear, but it would appear that it was pre 1965 because “Lachlan Park” is used. The names of the male “patients” involved were also included and are helpful in dating the document. The subject matter is about, new methods of treatment in a social, small setting with skill development of life skills. The report looks at the hypothesis of people with disabilities being able to receive and respond to training and skill development. The timeline for this report becomes critical here, because within Tasmania this could be one of the first, if not the first formal training programmes for the development of living skills of the seven young boys that it refers to. It was a handwritten document of 5, A3 pages. During the early 1960’s, skill development in life skills in a block treatment system was not only difficult, but considered quite impossible and in some cases fruitless. As soon as I receive permission to reprint I will load the document up for public availability when approved by the FoWC.



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$9 lease of Bronte on agenda

The Derwent Valley Council will raise $9 over 9 years for the lease of the old and refurbished Bronte Ward in the Willow Court Heritage Precinct according to the new agenda item on the Council’s own website. It is common practice to have a “peppercorn” rent for community services, so this is not unusual. However this will tie up the business capacity of the location for that 9 years to any prospective lessee that the Council hope to attract with their current plans to seek out an International Tourist Operator (or favourable business) to run and operate the site. How this joint lease arrangement and the impact on each party will be affected has not been explored with any type of impact study to date.

Discussion On 16 April 2015, Council considered a proposition for the DVCH to lease a portion of the Bronte Building located at Willow Court. In accord with the Councils direction, discussions and negotiations have continued between Council representatives and DVCH Inc. The proposed Lease Agreement is presented to the Council for confirmation prior to the property being formally offered to DVCH Inc. The lease provides for:

 Annual rental of $1

 Nine year lease term

 Lessee responsible for utility costs such as electricity, water etc.

 Standard conditions associated with maintaining the premises in good order with fair wear and tear accepted, indemnification of liability, and the processes to be followed in the event that the building is substantially damaged through fire, floor or tempest

 Processes if failure by the lessee to observe any of the covenants or conditions The lease is not for the sole occupation of the entire Bronte Building; as is indicated on the diagrams attached to the lease the area known as the dormitory will remain with the Council, together with the area known as the caretakers apartment and adjacent Plant Room. Provision is included within the lease for non exclusive possession of the dining room and kitchen area.

This provision has been incorporated given the unknown future uses of the Derwent Valley Council Agenda – 20 August 2015 Page 58 dormitory area and the need to utilise the dining room and kitchen facilities and the like potentially in the circumstance. During the ongoing discussions the representative the opportunity for utilisation of portions of the external areas to the Bronte Building to be utilised by DVCH Inc. It was considered reasonable to incorporate the use of these areas into the lease Agreement on the basis that DVCH Inc would be prepared to undertake maintenance. The areas are again indicated within the Lease Agreement diagrams.

A further issue that has arisen has been a suggestion by the DVCH Inc that Council make a contribution towards a security system for that portion contained within the dining and kitchen areas. This has not been incorporated into the lease is proposed that it would be more appropriate for quotations to be sought by DVCH Inc for the entire building. The Council could then consider a proposal for a cost sharing arrangement once the likely costs are known. Further, in the event the shared space of the dining room and kitchen comes to fruition, and then it is proposed that a booking system be overseen by DVCH Inc and that costs of cleaning be negotiated closer to that time.

It is understood that the occupation of portion of the Bronte Building stems from the desire to provide some degree of activity and utilisation of the Willow Court areas owned by the Council. Given the Councils intention to also call for Expressions of Interest into the future use of those areas owned by the Council, there is a degree of risk in offering the lease proposed as it may compromise the extent of interest. It is acknowledged, however, that given the degree of uncertainty the expression of interest process may reveal, and likely timelines in the event there are any firm proposals, this arrangement provides a degree of certainty in the immediate term.

It is therefore recommended that the Council offer the Lease of a portion of the Bronte Building to the DVCH Inc for a term of nine years with a annual lease rental of $1.

Consultations That Have Taken Place

(a) The Community Not applicable

(b) Experts Councils Legal representative

(c) Stakeholders Derwent Valley Community House Inc Representatives Proposed Community Consultation, Public Relations and Media Issues Upon formal acceptance of the lease by DVCH Inc, it is proposed that appropriate media release be issued and advertising take place. Derwent Valley Council Agenda – 20 August 2015 Page 59 Budget/Financial Issues The properties owned by the Council in the Willow Court Complex represent a late and significant investment. Maintaining the structural integrity of the buildings will potentially escalate over time. The leasing of a portion of the Bronte building will allow for outgoings and some minor maintenance to be incurred by the lessee. The lessee has also access to grant funds which may enable some additional restoration works to be undertaken. Policy Implications There are no significant policy implications associated with this particular lease arrangement.

It is noted however that a former resolution of the Council associated with embargoing rate payer funds whilst not a policy position, it will need to be addressed by the Council into the future.

Recommendation It is therefore recommended that the Council offer the Lease of a portion of the Bronte Building to the DVCH for a term of nine years with a annual lease rental of $1 under the terms and conditions contained in the lease enclosed.



Councillor Bester wants best for Bronte if you consider his post on his Bog Site. He is not happy with the shared use of the building, especially with the previous plans as a tourist attraction and also now the Community House. While we have had these concerns for some time we are yet to hear from any Councillor who voted in favour of the multi use of the building. The 9 year lease will severely affect the likelihood of anyone or an organisation taking on the management and investment in the historic precinct as suggested by the Derwent Valley Council.

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Spirits at Willow Court

Kick start Arts Tasmania are completely aware of the building that they occupy and have sympathetically and culturally tackled the history. For those that believe in any remaining spirit activity within this old Hobart Orphanage can read about how this has been addressed.


At a healing ceremony, elder Jim Everett led a procession of fire sticks and garlands through the building.

“We needed to refresh the place, to say the spirits are not here, and the children’s spirits who were here can feel safe,” he said.

“We open up a new future for the diversity of cultures in Tasmania, and the collaborations that will come from it.” 

Click here for full story or image above.

In complete contrast on the Pennhurst Memorial and Preservation Alliance Facebook Group a member responded to a question about Paranormal Tours within the old institution and any funds being returned for the upkeep and restoration of this historic place, that once housed people with intellectual disabilities.

“Yes, unless it’s just some kids trying to get beer money. The whole idea of running a “paranormal investigation” tour is not only exploitative, selfish, and a condition of emotional constipation, it’s completely juvenile. I’m not saying the belief in ghosts is juvenile, but to profit off of tragedy by twisting it into a more Hollywood version is wrong no matter what way you look at it. Rather than viewing the buildings with any sort of empathetic and meditative thought process that one would hopefully gain while looking at, say, a war memorial, people seem to have chosen a route that requires a much more shallow thought process when it comes to places like Pennhurst.”

Pennhurst haunted tours website

Both views are vastly different from each other but the contrast poses a question for Willow Court and how can this history be culturally and respectfully dealt with and how can healing begin? It has long been thought about and there has been suggestions from Committee’s, families and Advocates. Some of those suggestions have included memorial gardens and places of peace and sculptures which tell the complex story of Willow Court’s mixed and diverse history. 

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