Willow Court Media Release

The Derwent Valley Council has put a media release up on their website well after the community already knew about it nearly two weeks earlier. It would appear that the Council is better at leaking news and not taking the opportunity to be the first to announce to the community the positive stories of Willow Court’s restoration progress. In the latest news from Councillor Damian Bester own  web blog, which contained the media release over a week earlier, he suggests that Mercury Columnist, Leo Schofield needs to get the facts right before reporting in the Mercury Newspaper about Willow Court. Both men are employed by the Mercury Newspaper. Social media comments on New Norfolk Facebook groups are condemning Leo Schofield for his critical reflections of The Valley, it’s people and it’s lack of progress over the last decade with Willow Court. The media release offers little new information however the reply on Cr. Damian Bester web-blog will help secure public notoriety before the next local election due in 2014.

Official Media Release

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The Site and Buildings of New Norfolk

new hospital proposal glenorchy

The Proposed Glenorchy Site

Dr Macfarlane, the current Superintendent of New Norfolk, thought that overall the New Norfolk site was best and would not recommended its movement closer to
Hobart as this would allow greater public intrusion and disturbance of the patients. A view supported by Dr. Coutie, the Assistant Medical Officer, who
believed the site was healthy, with a good view, abundant water, and the grounds could be expanded. While Rev. W. Murray who gave services at New
Norfolk, thought that patients were more excited after the visits of friends and relatives so some distance from the main town was advisable if it would
decrease visits. Dr. Huston, the former Superintendent, echoed this view indicating the site was the best and a new asylum was not required. If placed
near Hobart he believed the patients would be less able to go outside the walls due to a natural dread of the insane by people. Miss Laland, the Matron,
offered a different view believing the asylum should be near Hobart. More entertainments would be accessible, there would be more intercourse with
friends, and patients could go out to church and on outings.

The New Norfolk Hospital for the Insane.   Susan Piddock

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What’s in a name?

1“In 1937 the name of the asylum changed to Lachlan Park Hospital. This was the first time that reference to an asylum, insanity or mental disease was removed from the name of the institution. It had previously been known as the Lunatic Asylum, New Norfolk (1829), the Hospital for the Insane, New Norfolk (1855), and the Mental Diseases Hospital (1915). The dropping of references to mental diseases and insanity with the name changes to Lachlan Park Hospital reflect an attempt to distance the institution from the social stigma attached to these terms.”


 The New Norfolk Hospital for the Insane.   Susan Piddock

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Whats going on here?

A Council notice, applied 15 metres back from The Avenue on a gum tree advises the public that there is an application for planning approval to install storage containers inbetween Frascati House and the Lachlan River. This notice is hard to see from the road and gives no more information about the storage, it’s purpose and how long it is planned that these storage containers will be in the area. Plans are avalable at the council for 14 days from the application date, which is 27 May.

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Bronte Ward under repair.

2013-06-11-391John working in the afternoon sun as it streams through the Bronte ward windows. He is applying a coat of paint to the restored frames.




This is what restoration looks like! So many of us have been looking forward to seeing some photos  and evidence of work starting at the site.


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Power to the Avenue

Aurora’s activities today in the Avenue are working towards Willow Court having a good supply of electric power along with others in the Avenue, by the photos this is very close to finishing. The last photo shows a new power pole with a transformer in front of Bronte Ward ready and waiting to be connected. Connection will allow better security for the Historic Precinct of The Barracks, C & A Wards and Bronte Ward. Local businesses on the east side of George Street went without power for most of the day to cater for this connection, costing over $75,000.


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catherine A card from Willow Court (The Hospital for the Insane) tells of Catherine, her life from admission to death, what happened to Catherine, who was she? It seems strange to only have a card that tells so little for a person. Was Catherine a forgotten person?

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The many roles of the Royal Derwent Hospital in the early seventies



• Acute admission unit (includes the most violent patients from the whole state)

• Convalescent unit (all patients requiring more than six weeks in-patient care)

• Chronic psychotic rehabilitation unit

• Disturbed epileptic holding unit

• Elderly psychotic holding unit

• Psycho-geriatric acute admission unit

• Psycho-geriatric chronic disturbed holding unit

• Housing for senile dements (not requiring hospital care who have nowhere else to go)

• Chronic sick not mentally ill but ‘difficult’

• Mental retardation assessment unit

• Mental retardation children in-patients unit

• Totally dependent unit

• Mental retardation education & training young patients

• Mental retardation holding unit older patients

• Mental retardation rehabilitation unit

• Disturbed mentally retarded holding unit

• Youthful offenders male

• Youthful behaviour disorders in males (not yet offenders)

• Youthful behaviour disorder female (not offenders – not under propel’ control)

• Youthful offender’s female (minor offences)

• Older psychopaths

• Older subnormal offenders

• Psychotic offenders (serious offences)

• Psychotic offenders (minor offences)

• Socially incapable

• Chronic neurotics

• Social nuisances

• Alcoholics

Memories, stories of Tasmania’s Last Mental Asylum 1960-2001 (Draft) NDS

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ABC 7.30 Report 1991


This is the first release of this story since 1991, this footage has been publicly screened and all people had given permission to be filmed and broadcast.

In 1991 ABC News recorded a story about a number of ex-residents of Willow Court. It was screened on the 7.30 Report as a 9 minute story of “institutionalisation to community” and followed the stories of Neil, Don, Jean and Ian. It is believed that Jean and Ian were the first couple to be married in Willow Court despite negative pressure to their marriage. They also interview the Hon. Judy Jackson MHA who was key in the decision to de-institutianlisl 300 residents with disabilities despite huge pressure from within her own political party. Where did they go? Staff and residents talk about their new life and how they felt about institutionalised care.

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