Shame Cr Judy Bromfield Shame.

Judy BromfieldTonight the General Manager of the Derwent Valley Council confirmed that Cr, Judy Bromfield knew about the need for people to run the Long Table Fire Fundraising event at Willow Court tonight and knew the consequences of her plan to defer new (Insured)Members of the Willow Court Committee well before she moved a motion on Thursday Night’s Council Meeting to stop the event.


Her decision can only mean that she did deliberately stop the fundraising event tonight at Willow Court.

Is Councillor Bromfield aware of the stress she has caused to Council employees and volunteers?  Shame Cr Bromfield Shame. The General Manager along with Cr Bester did assist at the gates of Willow Court tonight to help inform people that the event would be not going ahead .

Cr Judy Bromfield owes the people who worked hard to arrange this event for the Tasmanian Fire Appeal and the New Norfolk Community an explanation and an apology, this is disgusting behaviour from a Councilor with over 20 years experience.


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Council blocks bushfire event

WC Long Table cancel 001

The following email was sent to the General Manager on 8 February:
Hi Stephan
The following people have offered to help on the night of the Long Table  dinner and therefore need to be approved as Friends of Willow Court committee  members
Nigel Salt
Pam Salt
Alice Salt
Joel Schrederis
Eleanor Salt
Ali Assi
Janine Collins
Maree Reiper
Patrick Gerstner
These names were listed on the Council meeting agenda for 21  February.
At the meeting Cr. Bromfield moved a motion that the agenda item sit on the  table until the FoWC Terms of Reference was drawn up. Her reason being that new  people kept getting added to the committee, and there was no decision on the  number of committee members required for FoWC.
The GM did not make the Councillors aware that the specific purpose of  approving these people was to ensure that the Long Table Dinner could be held,  nor did he inform the Councillors of the requirement that all volunteers have to  be listed as committee members for Public Liability Insurance purposes. As the  meeting was in progress I was not allowed to speak, although I kept putting my  hand up to indicate I had something to say, the GM and Mayor saw this and still  did not offer all the information the Councillors needed to make an informed  decision.
The Motion was carried.
We have 81 bookings for the dinner on 23 February, and will now have to  cancel the event because we do not have sufficient volunteers to provide  catering or the licenced people to run the bar. We do not have contact details  for those who booked so will have to stand at the WC gate on Saturday night and  hand them all back their $35, and an explanation of why we cancelled.
It was blatantly obvious to the FoWC members who attended the meeting  tonight that the problem appeared to be more with the number of Salt family  members on the list than anything to do with the Terms of Reference. The  decision of two Councillors at the 18 October to vote against three men joining  the committee (one of whom was a Salt) to help clean up the Willow Court gates  gives weight to the opinion of FoWC committee members.
It is also the opinion of the FoWC that Councillors made this decision  because the national Disability Discrimination Commissioner was made aware of  the FoWC concerns about Agenda item 10.5, which was the imminent approval of the  paranormal documentary, and that the Commissioner contacted the GM with the  concerns.
Anne Salt
Chair Person
Friends of Willow Court

Mr Stephen MacKey said today to Anne Salt that he would “try and get there at 6.30 but he had something on” to assist in notifying Ticket holders as they arrived at Willow Court of this shameful Council decision. Mr MacKey was present at the Council meeting seated next to the Mayor and didn’t not alert Councillors about this communication. Anne Salt asked to talk and was quickly told “NO YOU CAN’T” by Paranormal fringe group supporter Cr. Bromfield.


Members of this Fringe group have been busy on social media websites, protecting Council and accusing people of “illegal action” following a statement that I had seen the Paranormal Documentary. Without evidence it has been assumed that I have gained access to this in an illegal manner. This is wrong. It is also quite wrong to smear the whole of the Friends of Willow Court Committee. There are some really good people who have done nothing but positive works for Willow Court and don’t deserve to be treated in this way.


A number of paranormal enthusiasts were members of the Friends of Willow Court’s predecessor committee and left after their single narrow agenda was not endorsed by all committee members. Since then an ongoing campaign of negative statements and smear has become evident.

I find it personally very strange that a Committee of Council is set up without any terms of reference, would this be the job of Council, before they set up a committee to have in place a terms of reference?


It is time that this Council arranged for a mediator.

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Willow Court, International Tourist Destination

The Barracks

This past week Tourism Tasmania have finished filming their new advertising campaign and Willow Court was involved and will be promoted at the end of March to over three million travelers. This campaign is advertising unique travel locations within Tasmania that are different to the normal locations and experiences.

Tony Nicholson escorted an international Photographer and international blogger with a following of over three million like minded travelers through the site yesterday. He was able to sell this unique historic site as a place to visit and experience. This part of the campaign is a slice of the Derwent Valley and was arranged by the Willow Court Advocacy Group.

This is a unique opportunity to advertise Tasmania on an international level to travelers that wish to seek out different experience and without the huge cost of an individual funded campaign. This is not Dark Tourism.

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Media Release

Friends of Willow Court

Media Release

A Derwent Valley Council decision has resulted in the cancellation of the Long Table Dinner Bushfire Fundraiser at Willow Court on 23 February 2013.

At the Derwent Valley Council meeting on Thursday 21 February a motion was moved to have the agenda item to increase the membership of the Friends of Willow Court, to sit on the table until the following meeting, this Motion was carried.

It appears that the Councilors had not been made aware that the people listed were needed to ensure adequate numbers for catering purposes, and compliance with serving of alcohol legislation.

The nine people listed for approval by Council had contacted the Friends of Willow Court specifically to help with the Long Table Dinner. Among these people were a chef, three people with the Responsible Serving of Alcohol certificate and people experienced in catering.

As a result of the Council’s decision the Friends of Willow Court have no option but to cancel the Long Table Dinner Bushfire fundraiser.

Numerous businesses and individuals across Tasmania and some from interstate had supported the event with thousands of dollars worth of donations including food, alcohol, items for the silent auction, and in kind support.

In excess of 80 tickets were sold and together with the silent auction it was anticipated that a minimum of $5000 would have been raised for the Red Cross and Bonorong Bushfire appeal.

People who have booked and are known to Friends of Willow Court committee members will be contacted and advised to seek a refund from the Derwent Valley Council office. People who have booked and are un-contactable will be met at the gates of Willow Court at 6.30 pm on 23 February and advised to also contact the Derwent Valley Council for a refund.

As a volunteer group the Friends of Willow Court are bitterly disappointed that the hard work and enthusiasm they have put into organizing the event has not been supported by Derwent Valley Council elected members.

Anne Salt


Friends of Willow Court


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Australia’s Disability Discrimination Commissioner Steps In

innes2011Australia’s Leading Disability Advocate and Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes AM stepped in to ask the New Norfolk Council to review allowing a Paranormal documentary involving the past residents of Willow Court and Royal Derwent Hospital, from being released. Robin Banks the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner also is involved in looking at this issue and asking if this is insensitive to the point of being against the Discrimination Act.

An agenda item on the Council Website informed the Willow Court Advocacy Group of this disturbing news and started a number of actions and some busy after hours work. Connections with Advocacy groups and organisations are set in place so previous residents and people living with a disability can have a say how they are portrayed at Willow Court by the Council and any fringe groups.

Despite Australia’s leading Disability Advocate contacting the Derwent Valley Council’s General Manager yesterday, the Council tonight approved the documentary without seeking legal advise and commended a small fringe group on their documentary that dehumanises people who lived, died and suffered at Willow Court.

The method and way in which this film was made has been questioned and is still a subject of legal debate between members of the Friends of Willow Court and the Derwent Valley Council. The Council tonight were asked to clarify this position during question time and did not answer any questions.


Although Chairperson of the Willow Court Conservation Committee was contacted and informed, David Llewellyn stated that this was a dispute between the Friends of Willow Court and the Council. David Llewellyn announced that Willow Court is a “Site of Conscience” on ABC Radio on the 21st Oct 2012. This has left us wondering, what is his interpretation of a “Site of Conscience?”

Tonight another motion was past by Council and states that all future tours through Willow Court be charged money, which is to go to the restoration fund. This paths the way for the same fringe group who made the documentary to conduct Ghost Tours.

The Malcolm McDonald report has a plan not only to restore the buildings on the site, but also the people heritage and that can’t be achieved by portraying people in a dehumanising manner.

Friday night’s ABC News story

abc news

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Tasmanian Bushfire Fundraiser

long table dinner

Long Table Dinner

Under the Stars

Willow Court Barracks

The Avenue New Norfolk

6.30 pm – midnight 23 February 2013

Two course dinner $35 pp

Refreshments available at the bar (cash only – no BYO)

Silent Auction


Derwent Valley Concert Band & Bluey Latham



Pre-purchased tickets essential by 21 February

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Frescati House Plan

Frescati House Plan

This was the House Plan that was on display on the Sunday Heritage Day. It shows past structures and rooms combined.  Looking at the current shot (right) taken from the fire escape of “E” Ward this has been a substantial reduction in the structure. The areal shot (left) confirms the plans. All the out buildings have now gone. Margaret’s Richards, Dr Brothers daughters conversation is now loaded   on the “audio tab” Click HERE.

frescati house  Frescati House 2012

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CERTIFICATES recognising the community service of a number of local residents were presented at the Derwent Valley Council’s Australia Day celebration on Saturday including Friends of Willow Courts own, Sharon Hutchison.

Sharon Hutchison: Long-term community service through Derwent Valley
Regional Arts, Derwent Valley Community Choir, Tyga FM, Derwent Valley Players
and the Friends of Willow Court

You may know her as “The Matron” or part of the Derwent Valley Community Choir, both performing at the last open day.

Meet the Matron Follow The New Norfolk News click  HERE

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Lots of articles to read

I really like the stories from the people who were connected to Royal Derwent/Willow Court. The living history of these people shows us a glimpse of life within and outside of the institution. Alan Bester went on to be part of a totally new concept in Dementia care in Tasmania. I remember during my training visiting this site and being told that it was a “best practice model” in care provision in Australia. Read more about Allan’s story click HERE or have a look at the “documents” section of this website to find articles listed below;

Remember the children (NDS Public Document)

Evaluation of the Ward 7 Patients

The New Norfolk Hospital for the Insane by Susan Piddock

It was 50 years ago but Allan Bester vividly recalls the sound of the sirens that would shred the night-time silence of his home at New Norfolk

A role model for rural communities


Willow Court Asylum Precinct Register of the National Estate

DRAFT Events Calendar for Willow Court

PANDDA Autumn Newsletter 2012

Skills Institute Newsletter 2012

AGG Newsletter 2010

Cassy O’Conner MP Inaugural Speech 22 July 2008

Willow Court Final Interpretation Plan 2006

Willow Court Historic Landscape Audit Report 2004

Marketing Plan 2006

The Barracks Willow Court Short History

Business Plan & Development Plan Prepared by Malcolm MacDonald & Associates 2011

Wage case for Nursing Staff 1985

Union Letter 1988


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Frescati Heritage Open Day

Frascati Heritage Day What a wonderful time listening to Margaret Richards, the daughter of Dr Brothers, Medical Superintendent this afternoon and looking through Frescati House during the Heritage open day. Margaret lived at Frascati from 1935-1946 with her family up until the age of 11 years. I hope that I will have some audio and picture loaded soon.





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frescati house

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