Incorrect reporting ABC

The ABC has been using some photos reportedly supplied by Willow Court History Group. Some of the stories attached to these photos are about the New Norfolk Distillery, Paranormal related activities and the Derwent Valley Council activity at the site.

We don’t know anything about these photos being (Supplied: Willow Court History Group) or the attached stories. We are not associated with these groups but the articles give the impression that we are in some way supportive. Had we been consulted on these matters we would have supplied the correct information for the photos and maybe had offered an alternative point of view, but no opportunity was given.

The first photo was reported to have been taken in 1968 when the hospital changed from Lachlan Park Hospital to the Royal Derwent Hospital. The true date of this photo is 100 years earlier 1868.

The second photo was taken in 1890 as suggested but the hospital’s name was the, “Hospital for the Insane”, New Norfolk (1859-1915) and not the New Norfolk Insane Asylum.

We are don’t like being associated with groups we wouldn’t align our philosophy of respect with, eg paranormal tour groups and our gathered information is used in a disrespectful and inaccurate manner. We are more than happy to assist with respectful and accurate information about the site and the history and hope that the ABC will contact us before using our gathered material and before associating us with stories or other groups.

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