Disturbing mockery


This disturbing portrayal of people living with disabilities and\or mental health issues is on display at the Western Australian Royal Show. Advertised as “entertainment” this is a disgusting image that lacks the basic respect and sensitivity toward anyone who has lived or worked with people with a Mental Health issuimage ann salt letter to NN Gazettee or an intellectual disability and has known the inside of an institution. Right click the picture to read the full article. 

“A mental health lobby group wants Perth Royal Show organisers to shut a haunted house based on a 17th century mental asylum in which actors pretend to be inmates.”

COMHWA executive director Shauna Gaebler said the haunted hospital and another exhibit, the asylum 3-D spinning horror, were “offensive and discriminatory” because they stereotyped mentally-ill people as dangerous and objects of general fun.

“The exhibitions reinforce stereotypes that people with mental illness differ in appearance to other members of the community and are violent, dangerous, untrustworthy or unpredictable,” she said.

It is hoped that the Derwent Valley Council never entertain the thought or entertain any group\s that wishes to promote Willow Court \ Royal Derwent Hospital in any manner such as this. A recent letter to the Derwent Valley Gazette expressed exactly this sentiment. It was believed that a group have approached the Derwent Valley Council asking for funds to promote their DVC co produced Paranormal film and conduct night tours. Willow Court History Group is about keeping Willow Court’s history in tact and not representing it in a different manner for people’s entertainment or the pure pursuit of making money. Another article ABC report

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