True stories needed

We are on the hunt to add to our collection of true stories of Willow Court’s history. We have now assembled a collection of podcasts from a diverse range of people with a diverse range of backgrounds.

It has been an interesting experience to hear from people who didn’t think they had anything to contrubute to this bank of information, but on reflection have found they had connections to this institution that many of us don’t.

Below is a short film that depicts a young family who gave up their child for institutional care, which was a common practice and in many cases the only way their family could survive without any community support services that we now take for granted today.

While I have heard many stories of this pain and sorrow families endured I would like to have a number of these stories on record to help people understand the context and family dynamics of the time.

Please contact me should you wish to discuss this further.

Set in Northern California in the late sixties, So Much Yellow is a short, dramatic film about a young girl and the family road trip that changes her life forever. Inspired by true stories, this film depicts the difficult decision one family makes to institutionalize their young son who has Down syndrome.

TRIGGER WARNING: this film deals with the institutionalization of a child with disabilities.

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