Proposed events at Willow Court

The current agenda for the Derwent Valley Council has some interesting and exciting proposals that are up for discussion and consideration for the Councilors. The first is on page 40 of the 113 page agenda for a meeting held on the 15th September 2016.

In this proposal Associate Professor Heather Burke from Flinders University is looking for joint support for the archaeological works that are planned in 2017 through til 2022. There are plans for respectful engagement with community. The research aims are:

Staff uniform, Peace collection
Staff uniform, Peace collection

better understanding of the day to day life of patients and staff in the 19th and 20th centuries, the development of long and short term interpretive materials, community engagement, developing links between the site and other convict institutions and those portions of the site that are privately owned and training in techniques and processes for students.

The project has been designed along research lines to answer a number of research questions; focusing across a number of broad areas including:-

• The use of space and how this changed over time;
• Changes to the physical structures;
• Changes to medical treatments;
• Conditions for staff;
• The relationship between staff and patients and their experiences, and;
• The interactions and lives of individual patients in relation to their daily lives at Willow Court and Frascati.

A brief indicative timetable has been provided for the works to be undertaken each February between 2017 – 2022. The project outline for 2017 includes underfloor excavation and surface collection of materials in sections the Barracks, verandah and Ladies Cottage.

As there is a possibility of contamination due to some of the activities previously undertaken in part of the site, a soil analysis has been requested prior to any underfloor activities being undertaken, this will help to ensure the safety of those people involved in underfloor excavations. An estimate of costs involved has been provided.

Due to the means of construction, it will be necessary to lift the floor in certain sections of the Barracks building to allow access, and estimate for this work has been provided by a suitably qualified person. The lifting and reinstatement of the floor could form part of forward works for any restorations to be undertaken in that part of the building. The requests contained in the above recommendation are for works to be carried out in the 2017 year only, future works will be the subject of further recommendations.

The proposal includes public engagement activities and open days (with dates to be finalised), included in this request is assistance from Council regarding public engagement in these days and funding for advertising the open days etc. Council may wish to have further discussions with Associate Professor Burke regarding the detail of the proposed open days.

Although work is not proposed to start until February 2017, this recommendation has been submitted to allow time for the preparation of all required heritage and other approvals.
Council may wish to request that copies of these documents and a more detailed project plan be submitted prior to the commencement of archaeological works.

10.6 Archaeological Work at Willow Court and Frascati – Request for support
That the Council:-
1. Provide in principal support for future archaeological works under the supervision of
Associate Professor Burke to be undertaken at Willow Court and Frascati until 2022;
2. Provide the following assistance as requested by Associate Professor Burke for the
proposed works to be undertaken in February 2017:-
a. Marquees (or similar), tables and chairs to be used as shelter areas on the site,
for the display of materials and for students to undertake public engagement
b. Possible assistance with community engagement, including but not limited to
funding advertising regarding open days etc.;
c. Funding for interpretation materials , this may be a longer term project and
will be dependent upon what is discovered during the excavation period;
d. A secure storage area for any artifacts;
e. Possible assistance with the removal of dirt and debris after items of
archaeological significance have been removed;
f. A space for dirt that has bee removed to be sifted and examined, possibly the
small cement yard between the Barracks and C Ward;
g. A portion of costs associated with the removal of and reinstatement or
replacement of floorboards in the Barracks;
h. The cost of soil testing in the underfloor area to be excavated at the Barracks;
i. Accommodation for up to fifteen people for up to two weeks;
j. Barricading and coverings for trenches etc. to ensure public safety during this
period, and;
k. Back filling of excavations between field seasons.
3. Request a more detailed plan providing additional information regarding the nature
of the public engagement to be undertaken;
4. Be provided with a document detailing the finding following the completion of the
2017 field school.

asylumThe second proposal is for a paranormal tour investigation. 




The proponents, it is believed have no formal qualifications in the areas of,
workplace health and safety including risk assessment or

Previous statements from representatives of the Derwent Valley Council have talked about a “professional approach” to the future activities on the site and the plans for the Agrarian Kitchen to take up a lease (signed lease 2-9-16) in the old Bronte Ward early in 2017 and the installation of Mike Parr’s work during Dark Mofo are proof that this is the line that is succeeding.

The proposal also calls for the rate payers to subsides the insurance on this event. This event is also to coincide with the release of a documentary which depicts previous residents and staff as “other than human”. This film was approved, funded and insured by the Derwent Valley Council in 2012.

Please read our position statement to these events  HERE




The third proposal is from John Davidson and is part of the worldwide Photowalk program for people wishing to take photos with other like-minded professionals and amateurs alike.

photowalkDate: 1 October 2016
Purpose: 50 persons participating in 2016 Worldwide Photowalk event.


6The last proposal is from the Friends of Willow Court and members of the Derwent Valley Players. The Friends of Willow Court had submitted a list of activities and has been waiting for some time for a reply from Council. Two plays are planned for November this year.


Three of these events will showcase the site and its history respectfully and I’m looking forward to hearing if the DVC can get the approval process in place within the time lines. It’s a bit strange that this hasn’t happened already?


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  1. Actually, all of these events will be RESPECTFUL. The Dark Tours happen on most sights and ate all respectful 9f the histories 9f the sights they represent.

    It is quite disappointing and a shame you place your closed minded prejudice on the one thing that you don’t like instead of seeing the bigger picture.

    Well done to the council for having an open mind and foresight to get progress happening on all fronts.

    I look forward to seeing how successful the Night Tour is and how popular it will become, well done to Australian Paranormal Investigation Unit for having the passion and initiative to do this out of the goodness of their hearts, it’s wonderful to see that the proceeds are going to HELP Willow Courts future and NOT hinder it like you have suggested. Fantastic News 🙂

    1. Thanks Tabitha for reading the website and reading why we believe, what we do through our “Position Statement”. As I stated we don’t wish to attack anyone with this interest including your relatives and friends on the APIU. It is commendable that you speak up for them, however we choose to speak up for those that don’t have a voice and have trouble advocating for themselves. On the big picture issues we have informed the public and our readers about all events, regardless of if we are “believes” in the paranormal or not. It also should be remembered that the bulk (100%) of funds that have gone towards the restoration of the site have been from non paranormal fund raising efforts. These funds are about looking after our Australian Heritage, both social and physical and recognize the importance of the complex history of the site and it’s people and place in the community.

      We are sorry that you don’t understand the complex relationship that people living with disability have with their community after being isolated for the past 170 years, maybe if you could count a person with an intellectual disability within your friendship group you could have a new understanding. So we choice to do NO MORE HARM.

      Mark Krause

  2. The proposal for Paranormal Ghost Tours at Willow Court are an anexact replica of the tours that are currently managed through the privately owned sector.
    There is a concern that this proposal may breach Intellectual Property rights and Copywrite with Tasmania’s Most Haunted who manage the current tours.
    The proposal is a complete copy (right down to how we format our tours, times included).
    Allowing unprofessional persons in who have no tourism, management, risk assesments, ethical and legal qualifications and/or experience is a disaster waiting to happen.
    As you may or not be aware, I am the sole owner of “Tasmania’s Most Haunted and will be watching with close interests as the innability of this group could hinder what is already a professional business bringing tourism into the New Norfolk area.
    With no ABN, no insurance surely council could see the potential implications.

  3. I worked at dark mofo, it was a fantastic experience, and so welcomed buy the community, public. It was respected as a mental institute one of the most moden up and running later in time. It was remembered as a sad place for people who were wrongfully admitted, treated poorly. It was a home for some who actually called it there home and believe it or not they found harder to adjusted living once the place closed. I have had a relative that was in there and probably more then one if I researched more. I speak from a life time of dealing with a mother who was diagnosed with bipolar. I lived in many places that to this day still give shock treatment, I lived through the stigma of the craziness associated with her bizare spontaneous behavior. Mum died not a year ago through a hard lifestyle, life choices and a body that could no longer be a vessel. ok long story short strip a hospital of wall paper,curtins, heating, colors, light. Box it up then open it in 50 years and tell me it was barbaric.No it was what was probably above standards and the best of what was available to them in finance, advanced medical knowledge. And not forgetting the staff, families that DID go above and beyond. Why is portarther such a successful tourism destination accepted for tourism. convicts were sent for medical reassons due to overcrowding to there, there was a massacre there. At the end of my experience people who visited wanted to see, feel the history of the building’s.And were wanting to come back. A history tour, A ghost tour,A local good food produce. Money needs to be poored back into these building’s, not through small gate opening one day tour’s. established businesses,that have insurance, experience, let them pump money back into the suite, use local business for fine produce,local employment. More money to restore, It can run on more then one project and pour money into respecting, preserving and forward new business endeavors. This place is going to be standing for year’s to come open the gate’s to respect the past history but create new. Otherwise this will be put down as October minutes and seen again in another year. Wasting away and increasing taxes.

    1. Thank you Emma for your thoughts. I did some filming at Dark Mofo and talked prior to David and the Deputy Mayor who both informed me about how respectful the event was going to be. I would agree and I enjoyed being challenged by Mike Parr’s works, more so the one that he was present for. It was a wonderful professional event that was run well. We are hoping that we can see more events like this in the future.

  4. Thank You for your swift response Mark, it is quite appreciated and I hope that you don’t mind if I comment back to your response.

    Not meaning to be rude and not that it is any of your business, but your assumption that I do not have any friends or family with a disability is quite a grotesque assumption to make. It is also, quite rude and ignorant to assume that none of the members of the Australian Paranormal Investigation Unit have any association with people with dsabilities. I have cared for people with disabilities, looked after and educated children with disabilities and have people in both my friends and family circles who have disabilities ranging from mental illness, physical disabilities and both mental and physical disabilities. I also happen to know that there are 2 members of the team who lost their mother at the beginning of the year. She had a severe disability and they looked after her for many, many years. There are also a few other members of the team who have family and friends with “disabilities” or have also worked with people WITH disabilities. So in short, for you to assume that no one understands what it means to know/love some one with a disability or that no one understands the “complex relationship” of what people with disabilities have with their communities is quite an ignorant assumption to make and a major short coming on your behalf.

    If your only concern is that the team will be disrespectful to the late residents and to the sensitivity revolving around Willow Court and it’s (up to quite recent) history, then maybe instead of attacking the group, and being disrespectful to them, you might like to actually like to take the time to get to know them, their histories and their passion for the site and what they are wanting to accomplish – which is not only “Paranormal” deep.

    I happen to also know, that the members from the Australian Paranormal Investigation Unit have work hard for many years to help in the restoration of Willow Court, have given their time and invested their love and respect for the site in a positive and productive manner. Yes, it may not be in the same manner in which you would like things to be done, but if the site is to go forward and be preserved for future generations to learn from, then it needs it’s supporters and associates to be open minded and have the vision to push things in a direction for the future, this includes interests from all parties and all walks of life both young and old.

    And in regards “funding” I never stated that any funding going in to the site has only been from Night Tours, but if it means that Willow Court has a chance to gain more financial support to help with its continued restoration then what is the issue with it coming from a variety of innovative ways? Or is it that you are only against this particular group of people and sought to discredit them via any means possible, which is what seems to be your agenda with this article you have written.

    I honestly hope that one-day you can see past your own personal prejudices against this group of amazing people and see them for what they are trying to accomplish and achieve in their own unique and passionate way, instead of making them the villians that many people did to the residents of the site that is Willow Court and the RDH.

    1. Hi Tabitha, I wont reply to some of what you have stated as it is going down an emotive debate which is unnecessary. Our statement is clear and for anyone to see and read. CLICK HERE. Please pass on my condolences for your friends and family members for their loss.
      Mark Krause

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