Oval view planned to improve.

Many people have become confused by the thought that a Rum Distillery was going to clean up the old Wards near Woolworths Carpark, but that would be mistaken as these buildings belonged to a number of failed private business enterprises who have slowly allowed them to become what we see today.

Today the DVC Derwent Valley Council have a DA Development Application for the whole area next to Woolworths Supermarket. The DA is applying for residential accommodation, shops, medical centre. The plans also have a detailed Heritage consideration which is very reassuring.


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  1. A good plan – needs something done with this area – all we need now is somebody to object and hold matters up for years. Hopefully the plan will be passed and work will get under way.

    1. It’s a great plan Ray and will meet the needs of many in the community, not just some of the community. Objections assist many cases and decision makers to do their due diligence and not look for short term gain or solutions which ultimately end up as the buildings we all get to stare at now. The most successful location is the Council area with its anchor tenant and restored buildings. Good decision making took time and expertise.

  2. Build it, great idea but please make sure the reoccurring problem ofdevelopers running away doesn’t happen again, as for some kind of bond or insurance

    1. John I think this is a project with indirect Government funding as most Care Facilities are. It is well thought out and has considered the heritage implications in the report. This says they are spending good money on a well planned project. It is better than a couple of sketches on a website and lots of media stories of good times ahead, that is where we need due diligence, witness a proper (full) heritage and business plan otherwise it could all end up the same as most private businesses in the location as history has taught us.

  3. Thank goodness! What a welcome piece of news that is. All helps with restoring pride and encouraging business (employment, wealth and so on).

    Just great news.

  4. Totally agree!! Well thought through plans benefit the whole of New Norfolk and the people in it!! We have enough ‘party’ places. Lets see some long term plans for the disabled, unemployed etc

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